The invaders from Mars



April 1, 2007 AD. Ishan, Ishita, their grandmother, grandfather, father and mother together were having dinner and watching television. The ongoing entertainment program was suddenly interrupted in between by a news telecast. What is this? It’s not time for news. Or is my watch late? Father said surprisingly.

“An aircraft like strange looking bright object is seen to be flying over the sky of our Nepal. According to scientists, that big saucer like object might be a spacecraft from another planet. Dropping down with high speed throwing thick ring of bright light, the danger of that object colliding anytime in any part of Nepal can be seen. There is no doubt that this flying object is from another planet because no one has such objects in Earth. Therefore, our Space Research Center has suggested everyone to remain alert and stay indoors locking windows and doors.”

After the news broke out, everyone was excited to see a spacecraft and species from another planet but at the same time, they were surrounded by a fear of what would happen if that spacecraft collided with their locality or neighbourhood. Ishan was also thinking the same – on one hand, there was a joy of seeing a spacecraft and creature from another planet, and on the other hand, there was an atmosphere of fear of what would happen if the spacecraft blasted by colliding on ground or if the aliens or the creatures of another planets started attacking with their dangerous scientific weapons. With this mixed feeling of joy and fear, he thought – This must be an UFO for sure. We had heard of such strange and unidentified spacecrafts landed in different countries and that people had seen them. But not a case of accident was heard when these spacecrafts landed on Earth. Scientists also haven’t been able to confirm that intelligent creature like human being doesn’t exist in other planets or stars. Instead they had been studying on these creatures by launching different spacecrafts. New planets, stars, earths and solar systems had been discovered. Ishan thought – Isn’t it possible that there are creatures in other planets-satellites who might be like us or even more intelligent and have done more developments in science than us? Among them, some might have also come in search of new creatures like we are doing. But if it dropped somewhere here! His face had clear signs of fear.

“It might be an UFO. Who knows if they are creatures from other planets that have come in search of another planet and creatures living here like we are doing?” Hiding his fear, Ishan said looking at his father. He had read about UFO, a strange looking space craft. This mysterious flying saucer like craft was called Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in English. Similarly, scientists had given information regarding possibility of life in Mars and in a satellite of Jupiter called Europa from the images and data collected by spacecrafts

sent to study about other planets. Moreover, there might be many more solar systems and galaxies in this universe that we have never known about. And anyone of them might have more intelligent creatures than human beings.

“Yes and we have heard of such UFOs been seen in different part of world before this also. But there are no evidences found of such till date.” Hearing his father answer, Ishan felt that his reasoning was satisfactory.

But this time, everyone was afraid after hearing the latest news of this spacecraft coming from Mars and chances of attacking on Earth. This news telecasted by television had been broadcasted by every radio, FM station of Nepal. Some heard this news at home, some heard it on their way through FM and some from one another. Everyone who heard started panicking. It was quite natural of everyone to think what would happen next after hearing the news.

Television was showing a live coverage of how that space craft was descending to Earth. More the spaceship approached near, greater the sharp shaft of its illumination spread over Earth. Even an ordinary aircraft had never scattered so much of light. Therefore, everyone was thinking the same – We are gone! Can

our scientists and science face such a powerful spacecraft and enemies? Everyone had same doubt of what these aliens would do on Earth. Shouldn’t they harm if the news was wrong and that they had lost their way and reached here!

The live visuals on television showed the spacecraft approaching nearer and nearer to the Earth’s surface. When and where would that collide on earth, everyone was panicked but more agitated were the pedestrians walking on the road and those travelling on a vehicle. If it attacked before they reached home? Therefore, everyone was seen to be running here and there. Everyone was trying to overtake and outstrip the other to reach home safe because of which there was a big traffic halt. The visuals of this outcry were also covered live on television.

Ishan’s father was working in Space Research Center of Nepal. No sign of this danger was inevitable to the Center before and neither had the foreign research centers alerted or sent messages regarding the possibilities of this incident. Therefore, his father felt that someone might have mistakenly relayed this message on the television. Because it was not a great deal to show a strange bright flying object descending on Earth like it was shown on television presently. The visuals of creatures from another planet coming to attack Earth on a spaceship could be found in many sci-fi movies and it was not a big problem for this television station to use them. Media like television had many times made such mistakes in the past and relayed false news. Taking all this into account, Ishan’s father was doubtful about this UFOs descent. Therefore, he opened his computer and started looking for information regarding this.

While his father was searching for information on his computer, the television presenter started saying – Dear viewers! You all are frightened, but don’t worry. The news of these invaders from Mars is not true. Come on, let us all celebrate this April Fool Day!

“Oh my god! These people have been fooling us. Yes, today is April 1st, April Fool Day.” Ishan shouted in a big voice.

“Nobody has right to do that even if it’s April Fool and that also on a television!” Ishan’s father was very irritated with the television. Ishan also didn’t like this type of pranks. Anyway, the fear sprouting in everyone’s face finally disappeared.