“Mom, I need a new bicycle at any cost. Rajiv has a beautiful cycle and lots of toys but I have nothing. If you don’t get me a bicycle, I am not going to school anymore.” Jay was insisting.

“God! Where shall I get money to buy a bicycle? It’s time for your sister to send to school, and we need money for that also. When will you grow up, my son?” Mother was trying to persuade him with dismal but all her efforts in vain as Jay was never keen in understanding.

Jay’s father was an officer in a government office but his salary was so meager to meet the ends of his family of four. At least they didn’t have to live in a rented house as he had built a small house selling some of his ancestral lands. Though he never let his family have problem in feeding and wearing, he couldn’t fulfill their every demand. The small sister was not that niggling but Jay always troubled by demanding things that others had.

Rajiv was Jay’s neighbor. They were living in a rented house in Jay’s neighbourhood from few years. Though Rajiv’s father had a lower position in office than Jay’s father, their expenses were heavy. Rajiv’s mother was always seen in new clothes and expensive jewelleries. His father also used to travel in taxis everytime. Sweet dishes and parties were

always a part of that house. Everyone in that locality used to respect him because he threw parties regularly. No one bothered about how he could have afforded such expenses. Gossips ran around the locality that Rajiv’s father earned through bribes but howsoever he earned it, his flamboyance was too big.

Rajiv and his sister’s every demand was fulfilled before they had to say and therefore, they didn’t care much of others. Rajiv used to abase others by showing his tricycle, automatic car, helicopter and asking them if they had such things and boasting of having even more than that. Therefore, Jay also used to go and trouble his parents by demanding those things just to show Rajiv that he was also no less.

“Don’t trouble me so much or else I will leave you and go to your uncle’s house. Your sister is so obedient and at the same time, look at you. Keeping on nagging your father won’t work; we need money to buy a bicycle.” Mother used to try hard to persuade him.

“From where does Rajiv’s father get so much of money then? It’s not because of money that he didn’t buy me things but because he doesn’t love me at all.” Inspite of his mother’s persuasion, he always used to take things in a negative way.

“How could you think so? If it’s not your father, who else do you think loves you? Don’t compare with others. Should we

steal or go wrong way to buy you a bicycle?” It was not that

their parents didn’t want to fulfill the children’s demands or wanted them to present like other children but they were helpless. They didn’t want to gain all that in a wrong way.

One day, Jay and his small sister were listening stories from their father when two-three cars stopped nearby their house. No sooner had the sound of the engines stopped, a loud fuss of people was heard. Their father peeped outside the window to know what had happened and Jay also did the same. In the faint brightness of street lamps, they could see that some policemen laying guns had surrounded Rajiv’s house. The street was full of people from the locality. Everyone was looking perplexed at this scene of Rajiv’s house. Jay also followed his father to the street.

A few minutes later, everyone came to know that police had come there to arrest Rajiv’s father in charge of bribery and corruption. A police officer requested 4-5 of neighbours standing there to come inside the house. Jay’s father was also one of them. Some policemen kept their duty outside Rajiv’s house whereas some entered the house with the neighbours summoned. Jay also entered the crowd and followed his father. They were inspecting every room and making a list of each item. There was a big safe where a huge block of gold, slabs of silver and expensive ornaments and jewelleries were present. There was a suitcase full of cash. No one in that locality had ever seen such a great amount of riches because of which everyone was taken aback.

“Oh! How could an ordinary job-holder earn so much of wealth?” A neighbor yelled at surprise.

“What else than corruption! Otherwise how can anyone earn this amount of riches only by a meagre salary?” Another snapped in middle.

Police made a list of all valuables found in the house. Then they wrote a letter stating that those items were found in Rajiv’s house and got signed by the people of the locality as witnesses. They packed everything into a bundle and took Rajiv’s father also under their custody. Rajiv’s father hiding his face with shame followed the police.

Moreover, police locked the main door of the house. Now, Rajiv and his family also couldn’t enter the house. Rajiv’s mother, who was speechless with shame till that time, opened her mouth crying – “Where am I to go with these children when you have locked the house? I beg, have mercy on us, don’t leave us strayed.”

“What can we do? We are just following the orders. You better manage your stuffs. We can’t open the house until the court’s order tomorrow.” Rajiv’s mother started crying bitterly after the police officer said so. Rajiv and his sister also started crying.

After police arrested and took Rajiv’s father with them, people started talking behind. Rajiv’s mother was hiding her face with shame hearing such talks. Rajiv and his sister were crying behind their mother’s sari.

Everyone, who used to visit Rajiv’s father and attend his parties earlier, was abusing him now of his deeds. No one lent a helping hand to Rajiv’s mother. None of her relatives were near. The biggest worry of Rajiv’s mother that time was regarding a shelter for the night. She was crying thinking of her children’s adversity. People who earlier used to hover around Rajiv and his sister showing them love and care had already disappeared. Nobody was there to help them.

“Let’s take Rajiv to our house papa, shall we?” Jay asked his father. He never liked Rajiv before who was so boastful about his toys but that time, Jay felt extremely pity on Rajiv’s crying face.

“You are right, Jay! Don’t worry sister, you all can stay with us until you manage something. Your husband is guilty; you and your children are not. And afterall, what are we neighbours for?” Jay’s father said.

“How are they not guilty? They could have stopped that impostor beforehand by not accepting these pleasures from his wrong earnings.” One from the crowd shouted.

“Please keep quiet all of you. This is not a time to abuse. We all are also equally guilty. Aren’t we the ones who respect only wealthy people without thinking where the riches come from? Because of this bad habit, people are encouraged to assimilate wealth in a wrong way.”

Everyone went to their house. The helpless Rajiv’s mother also went to Jay’s house with her children. On the other hand, Jay’s mind was full of thoughts. He felt guilty at having troubled his parents for bicycle and toys like Rajiv. He was taken aback hearing people talk. He now understood what his mother, after tired of persuading him, meant by stealing and buying bicycle. Oh God! Had his father also taken bribes to fulfill his demands… He would also have been arrested by police the same way. He was frightened even at such thoughts.

No sooner had Jay reached home, he caught his mother’s hand and said, “No, I don’t need a bicycle. Mom, I will never insist on such things.”

“Very good, my son! Now you have grown up.” He saw how happy his parents became after hearing his words.

Sunkeshra, Year 3, Issue 8 2061, Falgun